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Snyder v. Phelps and a request to please call and fax the holdouts ASAP!

by on May.25, 2010, under Lance Cpl. Matthew A. Snyder, News

Dear Friends,

NEWS and one last request ASAP please!

1. Al Snyder filed his brief at the U.S. Supreme Court yesterday. Click here to read it, or visit www.matthewsnyder.org, and click on “Documents”.

2. As of last night, 24 out of 50 states are “ON BOARD” and have agreed to join the amicus brief drafted by the Attorney General Steve Six of Kansas and distributed Monday, May 17th through the National Association of Attorneys General. Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mexico, Nevada, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Utah, Washington, West Virginia and Wisconsin. Please see the interactive map that shows which states are “ON BOARD”, which states are still actively considering, and which we have not heard from and are still on the fence.  


REQUEST ASAP – PLEASE CALL THE ATTORNEYS GENERAL TODAY in California, Florida, Illinois, New York, North Carolina and Texas ASAP! All their phone and fax numbers can be found at www.matthewsnyder.org.  WE NEED TO GET THEM ON BOARD to stop protests at military funerals by this Friday, May 28th! To make it as easy as possible for you to help us accomplish this, all the telephone numbers and fax numbers can be found by scrolling over each state on the interactive map.   If you have time, call the remaining states.  Keep calling until all states agree to support grieving military families!


If a state joins the Kansas brief there is very little, if any, expense to the state.  At most, it would take one state attorney an hour or two to review the Kansas brief.  In short, the time and expense for each state is nominal, at most. Joining this brief is, morally, the right thing to do and is consistent with states’ interests.

Again, thank you ever so much for your efforts and support

Sean E. Summers
Barley Snyder LLC
100 East Market Street
York , PA 17401
717.852.4997 – Direct Dial
717.843.8492 – Fax
Barley Snyder  LLC
                    ATTORNEYS AT LAW
Website:  www.barley.com


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