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American Legion

Visibility and Partnering

by on Sep.25, 2011, under Advertising, American Legion

Article courtesy of Jim Ryan

Here’s the play. Selling the Intangible! The “position” of any organization is determined by the market, not the organization. A strong position exists when the market will buy your lawnmowers instead of any others lawnmowers even though there may be a price disadvantage. Think about it, you do it yourself for some articles. I encourage our Posts to pursue low maintenance, high return, public participation projects. Case in point – a US Flag Disposal mailbox at the Post. The Post put’s the box out and tells the market where it is and how to use it. The market does all the work, and thinks the Post is wonderful for having done this. The Post invites the public to the Flag Day destruction ceremony. Bingo, the Post position is strengthened.
Partnering places the Post and another group together for a common benefit for the market. Case in point – dedicating a new flag pole at a local restaurant. There are many others. Please look at our Visibility matrix so you can see how we manage our “Position.” Post “best practices” to stimulate the resident genius that exists throughout our organization.


Please look at the Visibility Matrix. Thank you!



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