Fiddler's Fancy

Thursday, July 8th, 2010

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    Tuesday, July 6th, 2010

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    Tuesday, June 15th, 2010

    Snyder v. Phelps – Thank you and the road forward

    Dear Friends,

    On behalf of Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder’s family, words cannot express our gratitude to you, our incredible supporters who have done so much to help this great cause!

    We especially want to thank you for all your efforts and help in getting 48 states plus D.C, to join the states’ amicus brief written by Attorney General Steve Six of Kansas. Words cannot express how grateful we are! If you would like to view the map that shows the timing of when each state joined the brief, please click here: In addition, we are honored to have U.S. Senator and Majority Leader Harry Reid file a separate brief with the signatures of 41 of his colleagues. If you are interested in reading the briefs filed to date, please visit the website at this link: Also, here is a link to an article summarizing the above that appeared on Memorial Day in the Washington Post:

    Going forward, we want to be able to communicate with all supporters as fast as possible. For example, we want to let everyone know when Fred Phelps’ brief is filed and posted on our website — along with any briefs from people or groups that support Mr. Phelps and are against Mr. Snyder. So, we have created a new Facebook page and Twitter account which will allow us to post updates and developments more quickly and insure they reach all of you. So, if you are on Facebook already, please go to our new PAGE named: “United Support for Al Snyder and Against Military Funeral Protests” which can be found at this link: – please click “like.” From now on this is where all our official information and updates will be posted. In coming weeks and months, all new information will be posted there, so please join ASAP. If you are not on either Facebook or Twitter, but would like to be added to our email list, please send your email to

    If you are not yet on Facebook and would like to be – it is very easy and free to join. You can join Facebook and our page above by visiting and create an account (which is free). Then, search for our Facebook PAGE named “United Support for Al Snyder and Against Military Funeral Protests” and join it by clicking “like”.

    Also, if you have a Twitter account, please follow us @snydercase (need the @ because it is twitter language signifying a single account name). Or, of you are not yet on Twitter, again, it is free and easy to join! Just go to and follow the instructions then look up @snydercase to follow us!

    As you all know, our goal is to bring an end to the reign of terror and abuse that has been unnecessarily inflicted on hundreds of grieving families of U.S. service members killed in defense of our nation. The significance of this case cannot be overstated. It may determine Constitutional limits on the First Amendment, and whether freedom of speech supersedes the right of families to mourn with dignity. This will be a test of whether we as a nation, with full legal justification, have the decency to provide the men and women of our military with the resolute support they deserve whenever their rights are violated.

    Again, Al Snyder, his family, my law firm and I cannot thank you enough. Feel free to forward this email to all of your friends.


    Sean E. Summers (
    Barley Snyder LLC
    100 East Market Street
    York, PA 17401
    717.852.4997 – Direct Dial
    717.843.8492 – Fax
    Barley Snyder LLC


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    THIS E-MAIL MESSAGE AND ANY ATTACHMENTS ARE INTENDED FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY TO WHICH IT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAL AND EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW . If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by replying to this message or by sending an e-mail to and destroy all copies of this message and any attachments. Thank you.

    Thursday, June 10th, 2010

    Cryan’ Shames and Friends

    Sat. June 12, 2010 Elkhart, Indiana

    Rhapsody in Green

    The City’s first and oldest summer
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    $1.00 after 5:00 p.m. on Friday and
    Saturday nights. Admission FREE all day
    Relax in Island Park while listening to the
    “Blues”. Reminisce Saturday night with The Chicago Gold Revue featuring The Cryan’ Shames, as they perform their 60’s hits: “Sugar and Spice and All Things Nice”, and The Shadows of Knight, performing their number #1 hit ,”Gloria”  and Dennis Tufano of The Buckinghams featuring : “Kind of a Drag”, plus so many others that you will remember.
    For a complete schedule of events, consult The Elkhart Truth, and the City’s website:
    Please visit my friends. You won’t be disappointed.

    Thursday, June 10th, 2010

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    Saturday, May 29th, 2010

    48 States are on board, but WE NEED YOUR HELP WITH VIRGINIA and MAINE ASAP!

    Dear friends:

    The support you have provided to help Al Snyder accomplish his mission of getting all 50 states on board the amicus brief in support of Snyder v. Phelps to help stop protests at military funerals is outstanding! But, you are not going to believe this. Virginia is the first state to affirmatively recommend to its Attorney General that the Commonwealth of Virginia NOT participate in an amicus brief. The residents of Virginia should be sick to their stomach!

    Here is the good news. Many, many states have specifically told me that the public outcry has helped their respective state make a decision to join the Kansas amicus brief in support of Mr. Snyder and in support of our military and grieving families. Here is your chance to tell the Attorney General of Virginia that he still has time to decide to do the right thing. The Attorney General has the final decision and can – within his power and discretion – choose not to act according to the recommendation above. So, he still has time to decide to join the brief on behalf of the Commonwealth of Virginia!

    It does not matter what state that you are from…we are all Americans who value and cherish the freedom our military affords us. Please call, email and fax Virginia ASAP TODAY! The telephone number is (804) 786-2071 and the fax number is (804) 786-1991, the website is: Also, please contact his campaign headquarters to let them know, telephone (703) 766-0635, 10560 Main Street, Suite 218, Fairfax, VA 22030, AND the Republican Party of Virginia: Chairman Pat Mullins, telephone (804) 780-0111, fax (804) 343-1060, address: The Richard D. Obenshain Center, 115 E. Grace Street, Richmond, VA 23219, website:

    Every call, email and fax will help us get Ken Cuccinelli, the Attorney General of Virginia to do the right thing and join the brief! Please tell him that he will embarrass the Commonwealth of Virginia if he does not join the brief immediately. Virginia is the home of the Pentagon and has one of the highest concentrations of military installations and military retirees. The residents of Virginia need our help. Don’t let up until Virginia joins and we update our interactive map located at We only have hours left so time is of the essence.

    After that and if you still have time, also contact the only other holdout – Maine. The Attorney General of Maine is Janet Mills, telephone (207) 626-8800, fax (207) 287-3145, email, website:

    With Memorial Day on Monday, it would be an ironic disappointment if we can’t get all 50 states to support military families. Our military deserves our support. Don’t let Virginia or Maine disappoint our military by not supporting this cause.

    We have until the end of the day on Memorial Day, Monday May 31, 2010 to CONVINCE MAINE AND VIRGINIA TO DO THE RIGHT THING and JOIN THE BRIEF! We need your help ASAP. This is our last chance so please, please don’t give up or take no for an answer. Al Snyder won’t give up or take no for an answer.

    Thank you so very much and Al Snyder thanks you as well.

    Sean E. Summers
    Barley Snyder LLC
    100 East Market Street
    York, PA 17401
    717.852.4997 – Direct Dial
    717.843.8492 – Fax
    Barley Snyder LLC


    To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service in Circular 230, we inform you that any tax advice contained in this communication (including any attachment that does not explicitly state otherwise) is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code or (ii) promoting, marketing, or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed in this communication.

    Tuesday, May 4th, 2010

    Word Press hosting for musicians and bands. Contact Hostitude Webhosting for information, or leave a comment here. Fan sites, blogs and more. Custom domains and many beautiful Word Press themes available.

    Sunday, April 25th, 2010

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    Friday, April 23rd, 2010

    Midwest Banjo Camp 

    Midwest Banjo Camp VI will take place on June 4-6, 2010 at the Olivet College Campus in Olivet, Michigan. Come study old-time or bluegrass banjo with some of today’s best players and teachers in both styles. Our program features hands-on classes, demonstrations, two faculty concerts, and still leaves lots of time for jamming with your fellow banjo enthusiasts.

    Friday, April 23rd, 2010

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    Tuesday, March 16th, 2010


    We are delighted to announce Northeast Heritage Music Camp for 2010. Come join us in June for a week of traditional music instruction by world class players, dance to their music at our nightly contras, hear them in concert, and — if you’re so inclined — jam with them or fellow tunes-aficionados into the wee hours.

    Here’s our details:
    Dates: June 13-19, 2010
    Place: Johnson State College; Johnson, Vermont

    Program: Our policy is to offer lots of levels and options. There are now four levels of fiddle offered: novice, lower intermediate, upper intermediate, and advanced. We offer multiple levels of banjo, flute, and piano. You can take a bunch of guitar classes, a whole day of singing classes, or a whole day of band classes, You can also study stepdancing, dance calling, accordion, mandolin, piping repertoire, French & Italian repertoire, harmonizing, song-writing, and improvization. If you want to check out exactly what we have in mind, our 2010 preliminary schedule is now up on the website, at

    Here’s our great staff (see our website for bios and photos): 

    Irish Fiddle – Seamus Connolly
    Appalachian Fiddle
    – Alan Jabbour
    Québecois Fiddle
    – Eric Favreau
    Cape Breton Fiddle
    – Kimberley Fraser
    Song-Writing, Playing Fiddle in a Band, Southern String Band
    – Pete Sutherland
    Flute, Whistle
    – Grey Larsen
    Guitar, English, Breton, & Italian Folk Tunes
    – David Surette
    Fingerstyle Guitar, New England Folksongs, Harmonizing
    – Cindy Kallet
    Contra-dance Caller, Swedish fiddle, Contra-Dance Band
    – David Kaynor
    Piano Accordion, Piano
    – Jeremiah McLane
    Novice Fiddle, Intro to Banjo
    – Sarah Hotchkiss
    French Canadian Step-Dancing
    – Alice Berube
    Highland Bagpipes
    – Tim Cummings
    Clawhammer Banjo
    – Ken Perlman
    Mandolin, Early Country Songs
    – Peter Langston

    We look forward to meeting you in June!

    Ken Perlman and Peter Langston,

    Monday, March 15th, 2010

    from Elderly Instruments :
    We’d like you to know about the full-time fiddle track at Midwest Banjo Camp, where you can study the fine points of fiddling for an entire weekend with world class players and teachers.
    For 2010, our principle fiddle instructor is renowned musician and scholar Alan Jabbour, one of the finest practitioners of Appalachian style (“old-time”) fiddling. In the 1960s and 70s, Alan’s collecting activities and performances served as the foundation of today’s old-time music scene. His recent recordings include Henry Reed’s Reunion, and Southern Summits. For more on Alan’s career, see his web site,
    Also teaching classes in the 2010 MBC Fiddle Program are well known old-time fiddler Brad Leftwich (who is also one of our banjo instructors), and master bluegrass fiddler Peter Knupfer.
    Although the precise level of instruction will depend on students’ skills, we anticipate that fiddle classes will be conducted at intermediate to advanced levels.
    In addition to instruction, our program also includes concerts featuring our world-class faculty, and faculty-hosted jams.
    Although we are primarily a banjo camp, and if you attend you’ll probably find yourself “surrounded” by a couple of hundred avid banjoists, we definitely have the welcome mat out for players of sister instruments like fiddle. And keep in mind that at our jams fiddle players are at a premium, so you could easily wind up anchoring a music session that includes some pretty special pickers.
    One more thing. Anyone who enrolls at MBC is free to take any mix of classes. So you can enroll in the fiddle program and also take banjo, guitar, or bass classes.
    Here are the particulars:
    Dates: June 4-6, 2010
    Place: Olivet College, Olivet, Michigan
    Times: Check-in opens 11 AM on Friday; June 4; Camp ends 2:00 PM on Sunday, June 6
    Web site:

    The “Pre-Camp”: A low pressure program consisting of staff-led jams, Q & A  sessions and demonstrations, the MBC “Pre-Camp” runs from late Thursday afternoon on June 3 through Friday morning on June 4th. Although the Pre-Camp does not feature a dedicated fiddle program, fiddle players are of course welcome to participate. And if you happen to be interested in getting a head start on banjo, we offer a special two-hour “Introducing the Banjo” session on Friday morning.


    How to Describe Us to Your Banjo Pickin’ Friends: At MBC, you can study old-time or bluegrass banjo with some of today’s best players and teachers in both styles. Our program features hands-on classes, demonstrations and two faculty concerts, and still leaves lots of time for jamming with your fellow banjo enthusiasts.
    Here are our banjo instructors for 2010:
    Old-time Instructors: Cathy Barton Para, Mac Benford, Paul Brown, Adam Hurt, Brad Leftwich, Joel Mabus, Michael Miles, and Ken Perlman. Terri McMurray leads the novices program.
    Bluegrass Instructors: Ryan Cavanaugh, Bill Evans, Murphy Henry, Bill Keith, Jens Kruger, James McKinney, Ned Luberecki, David Talbot and Pete Wernick. Mike Sumner leads the novices program.
    Guitar and Bass Tracks: Our principal guitar instructor this year is Uwe Kruger of the Kruger Brothers Band. Guitar classes will also be taught by Dave Para. Our principal bass instructor this year is Joel Landsberg of the Kruger Brothers Band
    Accompanists: Our MBC accompanists for 2010 are Alan Jabbour (old-time fiddle), Peter Knupfer (bluegrass fiddle), Uwe Kruger (bluegrass guitar), Joel Landsberg (bass), and Dave Para (old-time guitar).
    If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact us at As usual, you can find more information, instructor bios, registration forms etc., on the web site: .
    Ken Perlman & Stan Werbin, Directors


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