Lance CPL Matthew A. Snyder
Matthew Snyder, of Finksburg, Maryland, died from a non combat-related vehicle accident in Al Anbar province, Iraq. He was assigned to Combat Service Support Group-1, 1st Marine Logistics Group, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Twentynine Palms, California. Died on March 3, 2006. Matthew was 20 years old
His funeral was picketed with signs that read:
“Thank God for Dead Soldiers”.
Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly pledged to help Snyder with legal fees.
A court order requiring the father of a Marine killed in Iraq to pay court costs of anti-gay protestors who picketed the funeral has not only angered the father — it is prompting outcry among among veterans.
(Matt was NOT gay)
The VFW issued a statement to its members calling on them to help the father, Albert Snyder of York, Pa., pay the $16,510 owed to Fed Phelps, the leader of Kansas’ Westboro Baptist Church, which held protests at Marine Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder’s funeral in 2006.
The Burn Pit artcle:
Why Fred Phelps should have avoided rousting a slumbering giant. is a must read! I urge all to get involved.
NewsWeek Article
Read the Newsweek Article Free (Hate) Speech
The Supreme Court takes up the issue of whether hurling
anti-gay invective at a soldier’s funeral is protected speech.
Again, to set the record straight, Matt was NOT gay. It is the WBC’s opinion that God is punishing this country for it’s tolerance of homosexuality by killing our soldiers.
How To Help!
There are a number of ways you can support this campaign. We urge you to contact your local and state representatives in support of a law to ban protestors from funerals. For the names and contact information of your representative, click this link. Let them know you support the laws banning protestors from being within a certain distance of funerals, or in entirety. No protests should be allowed at any funeral, military or civilian.
Donations totaling more than $17,000 have poured into a fund set up to raise money for Albert Snyder’s legal fees in his case against the Westboro Baptist Church. Snyder is the father of slain Marine Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder, whose funeral was protested by the church. Snyder sued the church. Recently, the Fourth Circuit Court ordered Albert to pay the church’s legal fees of more than $16,000. The case is slated to go before the U.S. Supreme Court.
Since the Legion started its fundraiser on March 30, several other individuals and groups have stepped forward to help. FOX news host Bill O’Reilly offered to pay the court costs for Snyder, while other veterans service organizations have voiced their support for the cause. A Facebook page supporting Snyder and his fight already has more than 226,000 fans.
In your Webmaster’s opininon
I believe we all have a serious interest in the outcome of Mr. Snyder’s case. We should do all we can to help, including fund raising. What if, God forbid, it were one of our own? This group was in Chicago only last year.
They have also recently “attempted” to protest again at yet another West Virginia mining disaster. This time they carried signs that read “Thank God for Dead Miners”.
You can see the video here at our page:
Charleston WV Defeats Westboro Baptist Church With Love
Mr. Snyder, Matt’s father wrote to me on April 9. 2010 to say:
“I just want to take time to say thank you for all your support and to tell all your members and readers that their support and what they have done for our country keep’s me fighting. Matt would have been so happy to see all the out pouring of support and love. With Much Heart. Al”
Thank you so much Mr. Snyder. We support you.
May Matt rest in peace. I won’t rest until he does.
Published by: Hostitude on American Legion Post 888