Start Your Own Video Website Today!
by Hostitude on Dec.13, 2009, under ProNet, Video
FFMPEG hosting is ideal for creating powerful online video sharing websites just like YouTube! With any of their powerful ffmpeg web hosting services, you can use the power of FFMPEG Hosting to convert any video, audio, and other media files to Flash video format. FFMPEG is a collection of free softwares that can record, convert and stream digital audio and video. You can start a YouTube-like Video Sharing TV Site in SECONDS just by installing any video sharing software. With their video web hosting service, they host your media content using high performance web servers and multi-homed bandwidth. The video web hosting service makes it accessible from your website and ensures it is presented in the format and media player of your choosing. They are not a “video sharing” service that restricts the length and quality of your content, but are a video hosting provider. Their service will scale to your needs as they (your needs) grow . They specialize in hosting lengthy presentations and large files. It’s easy to become “the” video sharing provider – Start today!
FFMpeg Features
- FFmpeg
- FFmpeg-PHP
- Mplayer + Mencoder
- flv2tool + GD Library
- Libogg + Libvorbis
- LAME MP3 Encoder
Click Pronet link for more information.
Pronet Web Hosting