Author Archive
VFW Post 5081 Suspension
by Hostitude on Jul.29, 2013, under VFW Post 5081
VFW Post 5081 Bellwood IL is hereby suspended from this server until further notice. Failure to respond to warning notices and nonpayment of services have forced this decision. Post 5081’s domain expires in October 2013 and may not be renewed. It is with regret that these actions are taken.
That is all.
VFW Post 5081 Pending Suspension Notice
by Hostitude on Jul.06, 2013, under VFW Post 5081
VFW Bellwood Memorial Post 5081 is hereby put on notice that it’s websites will be suspended from this server, within the week, due to breach of agreement and nonpayment of webhosting services. This will include Facebook pages and other social network sites as well.
In October of 2012, Jerry made an offer for renewal of the websites which I accepted. No payment was made until February of 2013. The issue had not even been put to a vote at that point. At that time we renegotiated for a 50% discount which I gave this Post with the addition of certain conditions.
These conditions have not been met. Payment for webhosting services is now 5 months in arrears. Authorized representatives from Post 5081 have not kept in contact with news, articles or events. Authorized editors and contributors have not posted to the websites. Membership has not registered to contribute articles or comments.
It saddens me to say that unless I am contacted within the week to rectify the situation I will be forced to suspend the sites. If problems continue, I will not renew the websites in November and will have to take them down. This is a shame. I’ve put quite a bit of my own time and effort into building these sites for you and into promoting your Post. The build was not charged to the Post by the way. But if Post 5081 chooses not to enjoy the sites I’ve built for you I cannot leave my server open.
That is all.
VFW Bellwood Memorial Post 5081
by Hostitude on Oct.16, 2011, under Hostitude Clients, Hostitude Custom Site Packages, Veterans of Foreign Wars, VFW, Web Development, Website Design, Website Development, Word Press Hosting
I’d like to welcome VFW Bellwood Memorial Post 5081 to the Hostitude WebHosting Family. Thank you for the opportunity to design and host your websites. I’m very much looking forward to working with you.
INTERVIEW-Jim Lederle-Host of American Veterans Radio
by Hostitude on Sep.27, 2011, under American Veterans Radio, Internet Radio, James D. Lederle, Video
Jim’s father was a Korean War Veteran as a MP. Jim served during the Iran Hostage Crisis, Grenada, and Operation Earnest Will from 1980 – 1988 with the MOS of Combat Engineer. Jim’s son Stephen (Combat Medic) served 2 tours in Iraq and brother Mike who is a CSM for the Missouri Army National Guard: All U.S. ARMY Veterans.
Jim also served as a Reserve Police Officer and is currently a Corporate 1st Responder for Chrysler Group LLC where he has worked for the last 20 – years
Jim is the author and editor of three Books, “Spiritual Dogma,” “In the Words of a Leader,” and “To Gaze Into the Eyes of Hell” dedicated to Doc’s son.
Jim lives in Peru Indiana and Married to Vicki who is a RN
Jim is currently the Post Commander of AMVETS Post # 77, past 1st District Commander AMVETS (Indiana), the past AMVETS State of Indiana’s Americanism Chairman and a former Ambassador for the U.S. Army’s Freedom Team Salute Program.
Mr. Lederle has kindly offered to broadcast live from American Legion Post 888. Let’s welcome and thank him!
Visibility and Partnering
by Hostitude on Sep.25, 2011, under Advertising, American Legion
Article courtesy of Jim Ryan
Here’s the play. Selling the Intangible! The “position” of any organization is determined by the market, not the organization. A strong position exists when the market will buy your lawnmowers instead of any others lawnmowers even though there may be a price disadvantage. Think about it, you do it yourself for some articles. I encourage our Posts to pursue low maintenance, high return, public participation projects. Case in point – a US Flag Disposal mailbox at the Post. The Post put’s the box out and tells the market where it is and how to use it. The market does all the work, and thinks the Post is wonderful for having done this. The Post invites the public to the Flag Day destruction ceremony. Bingo, the Post position is strengthened.
Partnering places the Post and another group together for a common benefit for the market. Case in point – dedicating a new flag pole at a local restaurant. There are many others. Please look at our Visibility matrix so you can see how we manage our “Position.” Post “best practices” to stimulate the resident genius that exists throughout our organization.
Please look at the Visibility Matrix. Thank you!
RKY Radio
by Hostitude on Sep.25, 2011, under Advertising, Internet Radio, William A. Wetzel
RKY Radio– Between Light and Darkness- Feel the Power! Internet Broadcasting at it’s finest!
RKY Radio is located at 1511 E. Heritage Place, Orange, CA 92866-1200 and is owned by our dear Facebook Friend Mr. William A. Wetzel. Please visit the RKY Radio website. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it! For more information call: 714-628-0452 or email:
American Veterans Radio
by Hostitude on Sep.25, 2011, under Advertising, American Veterans Radio, Internet Radio, James D. Lederle
American Veterans Radio, Great music 24/7 world wide. Their cause is to bring a small piece of home to our Military Veterans wherever they may be, to recognize our 1st Responders for being available 24/7, spotlighting the wonderful talents of the Indie Artist and last but surely not least, bringing great tunes to their Listeners Worldwide – Live! Listen here.
Facebook Promotion
by Hostitude on May.19, 2011, under General
Please forgive my absence from this site. My work with Veterans’ groups has taken me away from my own projects. For some months now, I’ve been using Facebook almost exclusively to promote webhosting. Unfortunately, having ignored these pages, links may be in need of repair. Facebook did not turn out to be the media I expected it to be. Although very popular, Facebook can be prone to problems including hacker/virus alerts and an occasional troll. My inbox was also flooded. In the coming weeks I will be doing a serious overhaul of all me sites. Your patience is appreciated. Thank you very much!
Affordable Website Design, Name Your Price!
by Hostitude on Jul.07, 2010, under CrowdSpring, Logo Design, Web Development, Website Design
Name Your Price Website Design
Need a website? Try crowdSPRING! Just post your design project, name your price and watch 60,000+ designers submit ideas.
crowdSPRING is a little company with big dreams based in Chicago – one of the greatest cities in the world. Founded by Ross Kimbarovsky and Mike Samson, crowdSPRING was started to help people from around the world access creative talent, and to help creatives from across the globe find new customers.
StartLogic Sale! $ 3.95 per month.
by Hostitude on Jul.06, 2010, under Cheap Web Hosting, StartLogic, Web Hosting Providers, Word Press Hosting
StartLogic. Free setup/domain, Web builder, unlimited emails, PHP, mySQL, CGI, FrontPage. On sale now only $3.95/month. Click Here for more info.
Includes Word Press Hosting.
Huge savings! 30 day money back guarantee!
What’s included: