Hosting Specials
by Hostitude on Apr.12, 2010, under 24/7 Phone and E-mail support, Blogging, BlueHost,, Web Hosting Providers
Bluehost offers: Web Hosting $6.95 Per Month / Free Domain. Their hosting package allows unlimited domain hosting and very easy word press blogs. 24/7 phone support is outstanding.
For those only needing one page: $9.99 domain name plus email. for the year. The page can be set up with a small blog as well. Very easy to upgrade later. is an example of’s $9.99 domain name plus email special
June 11th, 2010 on 1:00 am
Is it just the forums that I usually visit or does it seem that there are a lot more hosting companies having issues with downtime? It seems mainly stand alone forums that I visit. I assume those are the ones who use the most basic shared hosting plans. Any thoughts on it?
July 2nd, 2010 on 2:21 pm
Hi Rosan, sorry for the late reply. I’ve been donating time and services to American Legion Post 888. I use Bluehost Easy Web Hosting $6.95 per month. Unlimited hosting and practically no down time except for required routine maintenance. I compared services and prices for 6 months and found Bluehost’s Reliable, Affordable Business Hosting from suited my needs and budget perfectly, with superior customer service! I strongly recommend them. Hostitude also offers webhosting and site design, specializing in websites for American Legion Posts. Hostitude