Archive for June, 2010
Follow the Snyder Case on Twitter!
by Hostitude on Jun.15, 2010, under Lance Cpl. Matthew A. Snyder, News
Please “follow” on Twitter!
Snyder v. Phelps – Thank you and the road forward
by Hostitude on Jun.15, 2010, under Lance Cpl. Matthew A. Snyder, News
Dear Friends,
On behalf of Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder’s family, words cannot express our gratitude to you, our incredible supporters who have done so much to help this great cause!
We especially want to thank you for all your efforts and help in getting 48 states plus D.C, to join the states’ amicus brief written by Attorney General Steve Six of Kansas. Words cannot express how grateful we are! If you would like to view the map that shows the timing of when each state joined the brief, please click here: In addition, we are honored to have U.S. Senator and Majority Leader Harry Reid file a separate brief with the signatures of 41 of his colleagues. If you are interested in reading the briefs filed to date, please visit the website at this link: Also, here is a link to an article summarizing the above that appeared on Memorial Day in the Washington Post:
Going forward, we want to be able to communicate with all supporters as fast as possible. For example, we want to let everyone know when Fred Phelps’ brief is filed and posted on our website — along with any briefs from people or groups that support Mr. Phelps and are against Mr. Snyder. So, we have created a new Facebook page and Twitter account which will allow us to post updates and developments more quickly and insure they reach all of you. So, if you are on Facebook already, please go to our new PAGE named: “United Support for Al Snyder and Against Military Funeral Protests” which can be found at this link: – please click “like.” From now on this is where all our official information and updates will be posted. In coming weeks and months, all new information will be posted there, so please join ASAP. If you are not on either Facebook or Twitter, but would like to be added to our email list, please send your email to
If you are not yet on Facebook and would like to be – it is very easy and free to join. You can join Facebook and our page above by visiting and create an account (which is free). Then, search for our Facebook PAGE named “United Support for Al Snyder and Against Military Funeral Protests” and join it by clicking “like”.
Also, if you have a Twitter account, please follow us @snydercase (need the @ because it is twitter language signifying a single account name). Or, of you are not yet on Twitter, again, it is free and easy to join! Just go to and follow the instructions then look up @snydercase to follow us!
As you all know, our goal is to bring an end to the reign of terror and abuse that has been unnecessarily inflicted on hundreds of grieving families of U.S. service members killed in defense of our nation. The significance of this case cannot be overstated. It may determine Constitutional limits on the First Amendment, and whether freedom of speech supersedes the right of families to mourn with dignity. This will be a test of whether we as a nation, with full legal justification, have the decency to provide the men and women of our military with the resolute support they deserve whenever their rights are violated.
Again, Al Snyder, his family, my law firm and I cannot thank you enough. Feel free to forward this email to all of your friends.
Sean E. Summers (
Barley Snyder LLC
100 East Market Street
York, PA 17401
717.852.4997 – Direct Dial
717.843.8492 – Fax
Barley Snyder LLC
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Cryan’ Shames and Friends
by Hostitude on Jun.10, 2010, under News
Sat. June 12, 2010 Elkhart, Indiana
Rhapsody in Green
The City’s first and oldest summer
celebration is marking its 31st year. Island,
Bicentennial and High Dive Parks come
alive during this 3-day musical event. The
dates are June 11, 12 and 13. Admission
$1.00 after 5:00 p.m. on Friday and
Saturday nights. Admission FREE all day
Relax in Island Park while listening to the
“Blues”. Reminisce Saturday night with The Chicago Gold Revue featuring The Cryan’ Shames, as they perform their 60’s hits: “Sugar and Spice and All Things Nice”, and The Shadows of Knight, performing their number #1 hit ,”Gloria” and Dennis Tufano of The Buckinghams featuring : “Kind of a Drag”, plus so many others that you will remember.
For a complete schedule of events, consult The Elkhart Truth, and the City’s website:
Please visit my friends. You won’t be disappointed.
Canon Camera
by Hostitude on Jun.10, 2010, under Digital Imaging
Check Out Our Special Offers at Canon
NEW! PIXMA MX350 Wireless All-in-One Printer – Now Available at the Canon Online Store only $149.99