From Elderly Instruments

Monday, March 15th, 2010

from Elderly Instruments :
We’d like you to know about the full-time fiddle track at Midwest Banjo Camp, where you can study the fine points of fiddling for an entire weekend with world class players and teachers.
For 2010, our principle fiddle instructor is renowned musician and scholar Alan Jabbour, one of the finest practitioners of Appalachian style (“old-time”) fiddling. In the 1960s and 70s, Alan’s collecting activities and performances served as the foundation of today’s old-time music scene. His recent recordings include Henry Reed’s Reunion, and Southern Summits. For more on Alan’s career, see his web site,
Also teaching classes in the 2010 MBC Fiddle Program are well known old-time fiddler Brad Leftwich (who is also one of our banjo instructors), and master bluegrass fiddler Peter Knupfer.
Although the precise level of instruction will depend on students’ skills, we anticipate that fiddle classes will be conducted at intermediate to advanced levels.
In addition to instruction, our program also includes concerts featuring our world-class faculty, and faculty-hosted jams.
Although we are primarily a banjo camp, and if you attend you’ll probably find yourself “surrounded” by a couple of hundred avid banjoists, we definitely have the welcome mat out for players of sister instruments like fiddle. And keep in mind that at our jams fiddle players are at a premium, so you could easily wind up anchoring a music session that includes some pretty special pickers.
One more thing. Anyone who enrolls at MBC is free to take any mix of classes. So you can enroll in the fiddle program and also take banjo, guitar, or bass classes.
Here are the particulars:
Dates: June 4-6, 2010
Place: Olivet College, Olivet, Michigan
Times: Check-in opens 11 AM on Friday; June 4; Camp ends 2:00 PM on Sunday, June 6
Web site:

The “Pre-Camp”: A low pressure program consisting of staff-led jams, Q & A  sessions and demonstrations, the MBC “Pre-Camp” runs from late Thursday afternoon on June 3 through Friday morning on June 4th. Although the Pre-Camp does not feature a dedicated fiddle program, fiddle players are of course welcome to participate. And if you happen to be interested in getting a head start on banjo, we offer a special two-hour “Introducing the Banjo” session on Friday morning.


How to Describe Us to Your Banjo Pickin’ Friends: At MBC, you can study old-time or bluegrass banjo with some of today’s best players and teachers in both styles. Our program features hands-on classes, demonstrations and two faculty concerts, and still leaves lots of time for jamming with your fellow banjo enthusiasts.
Here are our banjo instructors for 2010:
Old-time Instructors: Cathy Barton Para, Mac Benford, Paul Brown, Adam Hurt, Brad Leftwich, Joel Mabus, Michael Miles, and Ken Perlman. Terri McMurray leads the novices program.
Bluegrass Instructors: Ryan Cavanaugh, Bill Evans, Murphy Henry, Bill Keith, Jens Kruger, James McKinney, Ned Luberecki, David Talbot and Pete Wernick. Mike Sumner leads the novices program.
Guitar and Bass Tracks: Our principal guitar instructor this year is Uwe Kruger of the Kruger Brothers Band. Guitar classes will also be taught by Dave Para. Our principal bass instructor this year is Joel Landsberg of the Kruger Brothers Band
Accompanists: Our MBC accompanists for 2010 are Alan Jabbour (old-time fiddle), Peter Knupfer (bluegrass fiddle), Uwe Kruger (bluegrass guitar), Joel Landsberg (bass), and Dave Para (old-time guitar).
If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact us at As usual, you can find more information, instructor bios, registration forms etc., on the web site: .
Ken Perlman & Stan Werbin, Directors


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